Quantum Winter Cup 2024

More than 100 young sailors from six European countries already registered to participate in the Quantum Winter Cup from 14th to 17th of November. If you want to join them, you still have time to do so until November 10th (end of day).

Entry form is on the link.

🎰  While the weather forecast may still be an unknown, fun is guaranteed. Preparations are underway for our traditional lottery, which will be held on 16th of November (Saturday), in the club caffe. Thanks to our sponsors Quantum Sails and Sailing Point, lottery participants will have a chance to take home a brand new Quantum sail, as well as a lot of other smaller sailing equipment pieces! 🎁

🌊 On the sea, we are expecting thrilling races and tight competition, as we already have a lot of talented young sailors and current/past champions on the entry list. We’re excited to welcome Mattia di Martino, Vita Erceg, Eivinn Lofterød, Nina Marušić, Zoran Jakić, Bepo Duplančić, Filip Luka Butinar, Lina Sorta, Borna Mohač, and many other young sailors with bright sailing careers ahead of them! 🏆

🥞 Finally, another traditional competition will take place during the Quantum Winter Cup – the sea crew and the shore crew will compete in providing the best experience possible for our sailors. Last year the shore crew secured a smooth victory with some yummy pancakes on the last day of the Cup. This year, the sea crew is even more keen to win, but we wouldn’t write off the shore crew just yet – there are rumors about couple of other surprises coming our way. 😉

We look forward to seeing you!


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