Quantum Winter Cup 2024

More than 100 young sailors from six European countries already registered to participate in the Quantum Winter Cup from 14th to 17th of November. If you want to join them, you still have time to do so until November 10th (end of day).
Završilo je Europsko prvenstvo klase Melges 24

Nakon 8 održanih plovova, uspješno je završeno Europsko prvenstv u klasi Melges 24 u organizaciji Jedriličarskog kluba Split. Čitav događaj je dao posebno ozračje u Lučici pod Marjanom, prekrasni prizori jedrilica, okićen klub, druženje, šušur.
Odaziv jedriličara na regatu je bio jako dobar, te je u obračunu pod jedrima sudjelovalo 250 jedriličara iz 10 država i s dva kontinenta. Otvaranje jedrenja u ponedjeljak je ponudilo uvjete umjerenog maestrala, pregršt sunca. Regatavalo se s južne, vanjske strane Čiova. Flota je uspješno odjedrila prva dva plova u uvjetima koji su bili kao izmišljeni za uživanje u jedrenju.
Melges 24 European Championship 2024 in Split – Razjaren Soars on the Wings of Yugo

The Yugo wind continued to blow across the Split racecourse, allowing three more races at the Melges 24 European Championship to be completed for the second consecutive day. With eight completed races and two remaining, Croatian Razjaren is in firm control (today 8-1-1).
Despite finishing outside the top five in the first race, Ante Cesic’s team reminded everyone of their dominance by scoring two bullets, putting them in a strong position for the overall victory.
Melges 24 European Championship 2024 in Split – Jugo Wind Boosts Croatian Razjaren to the Top of the Rankings

Croatian team Razjaren’s strong starts pushed them past early leader Cuyler Morris’ Dark Horse (USA, 3-7-BFD) and Andrea Racchelli’s Altea (ITA, 7-1-1). The two teams were separated by just two points halfway through the championship.
“Today’s conditions were tough, but securing the lead is a great feeling, especially at home,” said Andela De Micheli Vitturi, Razjaren‘s bowman. She shared insights on their strong upwind performance and tricky downwind but emphasised consistency: “The key is to have good starts like we had today—perfect starts.”
Melges 24 European Championship 2024 in Split – No Wind in Split: Races to Resume Tomorrow

The second day of racing at the 2024 Melges 24 European Championship in Split, hosted by the JK Split in collaboration with the International Melges 24 Class Association (IM24CA), was postponed today due to lack of wind. A fleet of 41 boats was ready to compete, but Principal Race Officer Marko Mišura called the day off, with racing scheduled to resume on Wednesday at noon for the third race of the championship.
Melges 24 European Championship 2024 in Split – A “Brand New” Leader in Town

The 2024 Melges 24 European Championship opened with light and unstable winds, challenging both sailors and the Race Committee. Hosted by the JK Split and the International Melges 24 Class Association (IM24CA), the event welcomed 41 boats from 10 nations.
The Eve of the Melges 24 European Championship

The past three days at Sailing Club Split have been a flurry of activity, with teams registering, checking sails, and measuring boats to ensure compliance with one-design class rules. All is set for fair and competitive racing, beginning on Monday, September 30.
Melges 24 European Championship 2024 – Croatia and Split are ready to host the first Melges 24 main event in its history

Another great story of the International Melges 24 Class Association is ready to be told: the Melges 24 Croatian Class, which in just a few years has become an essential asset for the European movement, is about to host the first main event in its history. The long-awaited 2024 Melges 24 European Championship is ready to begin in the waters of Split, where the JK Split is hosting a super competitive fleet of 44 boats representing ten different countries, with a strong line-up of some sailing rockstars.