The Entry Fee will be € 1.000,00 for the valid entries received by the 30th of June at 23:59 hours
The Entry Fee will be € 1.100,00 for the valid entries received after the 1th of July at 00:00 hours until the 15th of August 2024 at 23:59 hours
The Entry Fee will be € 1.300,00 for the valid entries received after the 16th of August at 00:00 hours
The Entry Fee includes one launch and one haul-out at retiring or at the conclusion of the Event at designated times, berthing at the regatta sites during the event dates, trailer storage at designated parking, and tickets to the events (Opening Ceremony, Daily Awards, Event Dinner, Closing Ceremony except for lottery) for all competing crew.
Payments will be sent by bank transfer and entering in the transfer description: Competing boat's name and Sail number with national letters. i.e. CRO 123.
Account Holder Name: Sailing Club Split
IBAN: HR7924070001100379532
Bank Name: OTP BANK
Entries will not be valid until the payment is received and confirmed by the OA the date of the competitor's bank transfer will be considered.