Regata Split 1700

Same as it was during last 5 years, we are waiting for you in our humble club. Winter cup is ready to host big fleet with even bigger smiles of our youngest sailors. As a Club who organizes 10 regattas a year, we have experience of organization, and all needed to fulfil even highest demands.

Winter cup takes place during the period of year, when the weather is still great and warm in Split, so we expect perfect sailing conditions, with various wind, so everybody can enjoy time on the sea.

During the four days of sailing, from 12th November, when the first race is taking place, up to 16th November, we are expecting 12 races. Four days of great sailing on the water area around City of Split with great group of sailors, hosted by Sailing Club Split is proven winning formula.

There is great hosting on the shore, where our Club members are helping, so there is cooked lunch for kids and their coaches every day.

We are also offering training camp in the week before the regatta for all those who want to test wind conditions in Kastelanski bay, or want to test quality of our sailors.

For many years, JK Split sailors are chosen to represent Croatia as a members of national team.

Lottery will be held during the regatta days, where the happiest will take a brand-new Quantum Sail for optimist class. The winner will choose the type of the sail by his own.

Come to us, have fun, enjoy sailing. We are waiting to host you.


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